Our vision

Our values

They guide our actions and inspire our employees every day to offer our customers innovative solutions and excellent service.

Innovation is at the heart of our DNA.

It has a clear objective: to improve user benefits and create value for our users, whatever their field of activity. In line with this objective, we are developing in-house our service generation and detection network management platform. This tool is absolutely unique on the market, and we have complete control over it.

Developments are carried out using agile methods, both to integrate technological and scientific advances, and to respond rapidly to the expected operational improvements.

Our recurring R&D investment is massive, with 3/4th of our technical team assigned to these functions.

Even in a service company like METEORAGE, service mindedness must be demonstrated on a daily basis – this is fundamental for us. And it is just as vital that it permeates the whole company and is shared by every member of the team, even those not in direct contact with our customers.

The aim is to deliver an impeccable customer experience. This is reflected in the high renewal rates for our services, which are a source of shared pride.

The raw material that METEORAGE deals with – lightning and thunderstorms – is eminently dangerous, and we are aware of the risks incurred by our customers, who rely on us to reduce them. This is an obligation.

The quest for excellence therefore applies to the entire METEORAGE value chain, from our lightning detection network, which uses the best available technology, to our services, which are constantly adapted and monitored to ensure quality and availability.

Commitment is first and foremost synonymous with involvement and motivation, both individual and collective, to accomplish our mission and the objectives we set ourselves.

METEORAGE’s activity is, in essence, to preserve our planet. So it is only natural for us to be committed to an ambitious social and environmental policy, covering all aspects of the ISO 26000 standard.

We cultivate a friendly, stimulating working environment in which everyone can thrive and express their potential and talents.

We are convinced that the well-being of our employees, combined with their commitment, is essential to our success.

METEORAGE’s mode of governance is based on the autonomy and responsibility of each employee. In return, we encourage collaborative working wherever possible, in a constant quest for collective efficiency.

Exemplary conduct to serve the community

Our mission—to save lives and property by enabling our customers to mitigate the risks created by thunderstorms—must be accomplished with rigor and modesty. 

With our customers’ safety issues in mind, we aim for excellence as an international leader in our field. Such high standards can only be achieved through perfect mastery of all our operational and support processes, as well as through a collective ethic upheld by each and every one of our employees, who are our committed ambassadors. 

We have set out our rules of conduct, our mode of governance and our principles of collective and individual life in a reference document, our Ethics Charter, the cornerstone of our commitment. 

This charter is intended first and foremost for all our employees, who must respect it in all their daily activities by cultivating the values of trust, mutual respect and responsibility entrenched in the company. 

It also sets out our commitments to our stakeholders: shareholders, customers, suppliers, partners, etc. We are convinced that the pursuit of our development and our intense R&D efforts are fostering an increasing awareness of the culture of risk and its prevention. 

We pursue our objectives with loyalty, honesty and transparency. 

All our employees, through their service to the community, undertake to observe and ensure the observance of our Ethics Charter within the scope of their duties and responsibilities.”

Dominique Lapeyre de Chavardès

A deeply ingrained commitment to corporate social responsibility from the outset

METEORAGE is ISO 9001 certified and Qualifoudre approved. In 2019, it received the Trophée Or’Normes awarded by AFNOR in the category “Protecting people and/or the environment”.

“Committed CSR” certification with Confirmed level by AFNOR Certification—“Responsibility Europe” certification at an international level—this certification is an important recognition of our ethics and our actions on a daily basis. This social responsibility has been part of our culture and our organization for over 30 years.

Read our press release on our CSR certification:

Our commitments

At the WindEurope Technology Workshop, Dublin 2024.

Our commitment is not limited to providing technical solutions. We are also involved in awareness-raising and training initiatives for the general public and professionals to promote a better understanding of the risks associated with lightning and thunderstorms.

Our knowledge of the lightning phenomenon spurs us to contribute, within the public sphere, to developing scientific and technical culture and improving the knowledge of thunderstorms. We take part in actions to raise awareness of the risks associated with lightning. We also contribute to education and teaching in our field of expertise.

A history marked by a pioneering spirit


Création de la
start-up METEORAGE

Installation du réseau de détection de la foudre en France.


Création de CATS

Développement de notre logiciel de gestion du réseau de détection de la foudre et de production de nos services.


Extension du réseau METEORAGE à la Suisse

Déploiement du réseau de détection de la foudre hors de France.


Météo-France et G.A.I. deviennent actionnaires

Météo-France prend le contrôle de METEORAGE. Et la société G.A.I. (USA), fabricant de capteurs de détection de la foudre, devient le 2nd actionnaire.


Vaisala devient actionnaire de METEORAGE

Vaisala (Finland) rachète G.A.I.


Extension du réseau METEORAGE au Royaume-Uni et à l’Irlande


Renouvellement du réseau France et du centre opérationnel de METEORAGE


Certification Qualifoudre


Extension du réseau METEORAGE à l’Espagne, au Portugal et au Pays-Bas


Innovation et développement de nos services : Intégration des cellules orageuses à nos solutions de suivi des orages et de la foudre


Déploiement du réseau METEORAGE à l’Italie

Suite à l’acquisition de CESI SIRF.


Obtention de la labellisation “Engagé RSE” à un niveau Confirmé

Vaisala devient actionnaire de METEORAGE

Vaisala (Finland) rachète G.A.I.

Our mission:
save lives and protect property