Your requirements

Electricity networks are particularly vulnerable to thunderstorms and lightning across the entire value chain.

All the phases in the lifespan of your infrastructures are affected, from analysis and design to operation and preventive and corrective maintenance.

Your structures — lines, substations and towers — can be highly exposed to the hazards generated by thunderstorms and lightning.

You need reliable information and decision-making aid tools in order to:

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What our customers say

Since 2003, Rede Eléctrica Nacional has been using real-time lightning information, because it plays a significant and critical role in the operation of high-voltage networks.

Before and/or during network maintenance operations, the operator, REN, decides whether to confirm or cancel planned operations if a thunderstorm is approaching the work zone. For zones where lightning is detected, REN uses the L-2 safety criteria on the pillars supporting two circuits as there is a risk of failure that could impact the network at the highest level. A risk-management application is currently being developed to calculate the failure probability for each line. We use real-time information from METEORAGE for this pilot application.

For the analysis of each high-voltage fault on the Portuguese network, we carry out a METEORAGE Survey, which enables us to clearly and rigorously identify faults on the electrical network. Lightning detection by METEORAGE has a low margin of error, which improves the quality of the data collected. Analysis is now much faster and more accurate.”

Rede Eléctrica Nacional (REN)
Portuguese Electricity Network
Using Lightning Web Survey, we can determine if there has been a lightning strike on a component, exactly when and where it happened and the number of lightning flashes involved, which makes maintenance much easier.”
Electricity Network

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Secure your teams in the field with Geoflash


METEORAGE at the International Meteorological Seminar


Optimise the maintenance of your wind turbines with Lightning Check Advisor


Engie Italy: lightning risk management at its wind farms

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