Ihre Anforderungen

Die Veranstaltungs-, Freizeit- und Sportbranche ist durch Unwetter besonders gefährdet. Gewitter stellen eine große Bedrohung für die Sicherheit des Publikums, des Personals und der Infrastrukturen dar.

Insbesondere Blitze können das Leben von Personen vor Ort gefährden und erhebliche Sachschäden verursachen.

Darüber hinaus können Gewitter auch die Absage oder Unterbrechung von Veranstaltungen oder Aktivitäten erzwingen, was zu finanziellen Verlusten und einem Imageverlust des Veranstalters führt.

Ob Sie Veranstalter von Festivals, Betreiber eines Campingplatzes, eines Freizeitparks, eines Stadions oder auch eines Golfplatzes sind, der Erhalt der richtigen Informationen zum richtigen Zeitpunkt ist für Sie unerlässlich. Sie möchten in der Lage sein, selbstständig und effizient Entscheidungen in Bezug auf Sicherheitsmaßnahmen zu treffen.

Die passenden Lösungen für Ihre Anforderungen

What our customers say

The FNHPA brings together campsite operators, whether private, municipal or associative, independent or part of a group, representing 4,000 sites in France today. This is the leading mode of tourist accommodation in our country, with 124 million overnight stays in 2017 alone.

People’s safety is a top priority for us, hence the importance of being warned about lightning via METEORAGE’s alerts, which we have been using for many years. This ensures that campsite operators know in advance when a storm episode will begin and end. As a result, they can make decisions with greater autonomy and effectiveness to confine their customers to shelter or evacuate them where necessary, and their customers find this reassuring.

This is particularly true as the information from METEORAGE is very reliable. Only proven risks are communicated, and the information is also perfectly localised: it really does concern the campsite’s local area, and not the other end of the town. There are significantly fewer accidents due to lightning now than there were fifteen years ago.»

Nicolas Dayot
President of FNHPA

We had planned a party with a band, the place was full of campers and we didn’t know if we needed to cancel the event.

The Visualisation tool and the location accuracy meant that we were able to follow the movement of the storm cell. Although there’s an area of ​​15km around the campsite, when you look at the display there’s a wider window that allows you to evaluate the cell’s movement. We received a lightning alarm because there were some strikes in the surveillance zone, but we could see that the cell wasn’t moving towards our campsite, so we let the musicians play. As a result, we avoided any financial or material loss, and the party mood wasn’t even spoiled because the customers didn’t know anything about the storm. Yet other campsites that are 40km away from ours were severely affected by the same storm, with very significant damage.»

Gé Kusters

There’s no denying the fact that thunderstorms are becoming more common, and a site like ours which is frequented by the general public has to take this into account.

[…] The METEORAGE tool with which we have been provided gives us a better understanding of lightning risks in advance of storm episodes, so we can anticipate what action needs to be taken. […] There are free services available on the Internet that we could use, but METEORAGE has developed some highly sophisticated services. These give us a real-time view of the storm cell and its geographical direction, and we can see the frequency and intensity of the strikes. With this very precise information, we are able to make the right choices


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