Le tue esigenze

I fulmini sono una delle principali minacce per l’industria petrolifera e quella gasiera, poiché possono danneggiare seriamente oleodotti, gasdotti, impianti di stoccaggio, raffinerie e relativi sistemi di protezione.

I materiali infiammabili contenuti nelle tue installazioni aumentano notevolmente la probabilità di incendio o esplosione in caso di fulminazione.

La sicurezza operativa è quindi essenziale. L’adozione di un approccio proattivo ti consentirà di ridurre al minimo tali rischi.

Sei alla ricerca di informazioni affidabili e di strumenti di supporto decisionale per:

Scopri come supportiamo gli operatori del settore petrolifero e gasiero:

Tutte le nostre soluzioni su misura per le tue esigenze

What our customers say

When storm activity is detected within a 10-km radius, we are warned to stop our activities and evacuate the people on our site to safety in buildings with protection against lightning. Once the episode is over, we are informed once again and we can resume our activities. On the internet, I can also accurately follow the thunderstorm’s progress and see how many lightning strikes have hit the depot, so that the necessary measures can be taken, including checking our lightning protection systems.

[…]. This also enables us tocomply with regulations, which require us to detect lightning and count the number of strikes.

METEORAGE makes this task easier, helping us to make the right choices.”


Feluy oil depot, Belgium

METEORAGE’s lightning data forms an integral part of a site’s lightning-risk analysis, and is particularly useful when carrying out complex studies.

We not only integrate local lightning density, but also analyze the distribution of electrical discharge current, to determine whether the site is more severely struck by lightning than stipulated by the standard, or to take into account the seasonality of thunderstorms. Thirty years ago, the only data available was the number of days a human observer could hear thunder.

Today, thanks to METEORAGE, we can obtain detailed data on lightning strikes at a site, and learn more about the spatial representation and violence of the phenomenon, which we believe is crucial for protecting a site from lightning.”

Design office specializing in lightning-risk analysis for sensitive sites

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Proteggete i vostri team sul campo con Geoflash


METEORAGE al Seminario meteorologico internazionale


Ottimizzate la manutenzione delle vostre turbine eoliche con Lightning Check Advisor


Engie Italia: gestione del rischio fulmini nei suoi parchi eolici

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