La Météorologie (116), 2022


A study of 215 human lightning accidents over the last ten years is being carried out in twenty European countries.

Nearly 3 out of 5 victims were involved in leisure activities
and 1 out of 5 in the workplace.

A study of 215 human related accidents due to lightning is conducted in twenty European countries over the last ten years.

An in-depth study is also conducted on the 56 French cases. The results in terms of their predictability show that most of the thunderstorms that caused accidents can be anticipated and are rarely sudden or unpredictable.

Furthermore, it is mostly thunderstorms of low to moderate intensity with relatively slow movement that are the cause.

Thus, most of them occur by “yellow” meteorological vigilance.

In order to mitigate the risk efficiently, it is necessary to be able to assess the real danger, even in the case of a first-level warning, and to apply appropriate behaviours to reduce the risk in case of approaching thunderstorms.