Lightning Data Survey
Your issues
You need an expert report mapping the lightning discharges around the site of a storm-related incident, to confirm or rule out lightning as the cause. You need the detailed characteristics of each impact to correlate with what you know about the incident.
You want to obtain this report as quickly and simply as possible, so that you do not fall behind in resolving the case.
Whether you are commissioned to analyze a specific case or to study the causes of incidents over a long period, the quality of the data provided is crucial to avoid misinterpretation.
Our solution
For the location and period of your choice, our Lightning Data Survey reports detail the lightning activity detected by METEORAGE’s network – the European Lightning Detection Network (locations in western Europe) or by the GLD360 global network (everywhere else). The area requested is a circle centered on the site of interest, with a radius of your choice.
Each report is provided in three formats:
a PDF including a static map and the list of lightning discharges with their characteristics,
a KMZ for dynamic display of the data on Google Earth,
a tab-delimited TXT for processing in Excel or similar software.
Date and time to the nearest second,
Location (longitude and latitude),
Intensity and polarity,
Confidence ellipse (semi-major axis, semi-minor axis and inclination),
To find out more about the confidence ellipse and how to use it in your analyses, see our Technical note and our Help Centre.
Distance to the center of the area,
Type of lightning (cloud-to-ground or intra-cloud).
How does it work?
Order online for locations in western Europe our most typical Lightning Data Surveys (5 km radius and periods < 72h).
For any other requirements, our sales team is here to help and will provide you with a suitable Lightning Data Survey on request.
Do you have a recurring need for lightning expertise? Our Lightning Web Survey solution – sold by batch or by subscription – may be of interest to you.
Do you need to obtain these reports automatically every time a thunderstorm passes over your site? Then you may be interested in our Lightning Remote Counter solution.
Advantages for users
01Expert reports recognized by insurance companies and the legal system. Several optimized formats for efficient data analysis.
02No need to install equipment, tools or mobile applications. Immediate delivery for online purchases via a simple interface.
03Customer satisfaction and service resubscription rates above 98%.
04Data from the best detection technologies currently available from:
– the METEORAGE network (ELDN) in western Europe, with location accuracy of <100 meters. Our network’s performance exceeds the requirements in the standards,
– the GLD360 network in the rest of the world.
How do you manage the risk of thunderstorms in your business?
We help professionals to proactively manage the risks associated with lightning and storms, for greater safety outdoors.
All our solutions tailored to your requirements
Evaluate your exposure to thunderstorms and lightning
Analyze your risks and adapt your means of prevention and protection.
Be alerted to the arrival and end of a thunderstorm
Safeguard people and infrastructures, adapt your operations.
Monitor live thunderstorms and lightning
Optimize your preventive measures and mitigate risks as early as possible.
Check any damage and your installations after a thunderstorm
Determine whether lightning has caused damage and optimize your inspection process.
Integrate lightning information
Feed your own tools with our high-resolution flows and data, in real time or past time.
Receive training on lightning and thunderstorm risks
Develop your skills and your employees’ skills.